I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).

Vince Chavez @Vinstigator

Age 42, Male

Recording Artist


West Covina, CA

Joined on 11/12/03

Exp Points:
15,560 / 16,030
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.92 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

Vinstigator's News

Posted by Vinstigator - March 5th, 2010

Today I turned 27 and I feel great! So far the day is going good. I'm gonna hit the gym later tonight then head to the studio to record. Yup even on my birthday I can't rest! I have big projects planned for this year. My music will be featured in the upcoming flash movie "MegaPlex 30" which will be animated by my good friend Scott Torment and features voice acting by Tom Fulp! One of my songs that will be featured in the movie is entitled On My Mind. As you can see from the first review, Scott has confirmed that this song will indeed be part of the soundtrack. So everyone reserve your ticket while you can because so far the ticket sales have far surpassed Avatar's!

Today is my 27th birthday and MegaPlex30!

Posted by Vinstigator - December 25th, 2009

I wanna thank you guys for all of your support and encouragement. Without you guys, I wouldn't be where I'm at today. 2009 was definitely a good year for me. I released two new songs entitled Don't Really Wanna Know and On My Mind. If you guys haven't already, go take a listen and leave a review.

Now that I've got a brand new laptop, I've installed flash back into it (or in my case SwishMax) and am ready to make my return to flash animation. I'm actually doing voices for an upcoming flash movie which also stars Tom Fulp. It's gonna be called "Megaplex30" and should be released soon. Anyway expect some big things from me in 2010! And stay tuned for Megaplex30!

Merry Christmas to all my dedicated fans!

Posted by Vinstigator - September 12th, 2009

In case you don't know, I was personally invited to attend Jay-Z's CD release party in Hollywood as a VIP guest. That means I didn't have to pay to get in or wait in the long ass line. The atmosphere was amazing! I handed out a couple of my CD's to some beautiful ladies as well as promoted my live performance for Tomorrow. I also just uploaded 2 new songs to the audio portal. The first one is entitled Don't Really Wanna Know. The beat was produced by our fellow Newgrounder Zajed. The other track was produced by yet another Newgrounder by the name of maer808. He's also a very good friend of mine and I look forward to working more with him in the near future. The song he produced for me is On My Mind. So everyone check 'em out and wish me luck in my music career!

Posted by Vinstigator - September 4th, 2009

September 7th, 2009 Update: Just finished recording my new single entitled "On My Mind"! Check out out here

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen /270841

Thank my good friend maer808 for the instrumental!

Sorry it's been a while since i've last updated but I've been really busy with the music scene. A club promoter heard my demo and offered me a spot to perform over at a huge club in Hollywood! Power 106 will be in the building to scout for talent. In fact they just recently added my twitter account so they can see my updates. This is rare considering they have about 14,000 people and they only follow a little over 1,000 people so I feel honored to be part of that small margin. Anyway if you haven't, add my twitter account. It's www.twitter.com/vinstigator

Also the owner of the venue told me that if my performance goes really well (meaning the crowd is really into it) he will keep me on stage for a maximum of 30 minutes instead of the usual 9. And he also said that if I do REALLY good then they will invite me to perform at Kanye West's CD release party! I don't know about you, but I'm pretty damn excited about that! So everyone wish me luck and if you are in the Hollywood area come check it out. Tickets are only $10.00! The event starts at 7 PM.

Oh and check out my friend who is going to be performing with me. He has an awesome voice! He will be singing the "hooks" to my songs. His myspace is www.myspace.com/musicandmemagicmikez

Oh and one more thing! The producer of the "On My Mind" instrumental was produced by Newgrounds very own maer808. Expect him to produce more music for me in the near future!

Posted by Vinstigator - July 1st, 2009

First of all I forgot that my movie was going to be featured on "the best - years past" section on newgrounds. I just happened to log in and saw that part 14 had a new review today. Then it hit me. I remembered that on this day, 5 years ago, I won my first Daily Feature. Then I checked out reveiws for my earlier entries in the series and found out that 5 years later, people still really enjoy this series. It just brought back so many memories reading all of my older reviews from back in the 2003-2004 era. They really inspired me to continue with the series. And now after a 5 year hiatus, the final episode still hasn't been released.

I do intend to finish this series but it won't be anytime soon. I've been concentrating on my music career and have actually gotten positive feedback from professionals in the industry. And the other reason is because I want this episode to top all previous ones and the only way to do that is to take my sweet time. I actually have a co-author by the name of knanakase who is animating the battle scene. He's been working on it for a few months now and he's not even close to being finished! But I promise this movie will be well worth it. I have so many ideas on how I want to end the series and I believe when it's all said and done the fans will say "it was worth the wait".

So to celebrate the occasion of me being featured on the years past section I'm going to give you a preview of part 15 just to let you know I haven't forgotten about the series. And it's also a big thank you to all the fans who has been anxiously awaiting for the climax of this series that was started back in 2003. I had a lot of good memories making these. And I want to thank everyone who has supported this series. It looks like this will be the last year that FFVI: The Day After - Part 14 will be featured on the years best section since it was made in 2004. But I'm glad to know that people still love this series even after all these years. Anyway here's a preview to part 15!

FFVI: The Day After - Part 15 sneak preview

Posted by Vinstigator - January 8th, 2009

A few months ago I made a post about moving to North Carolina. Well there was a change in plan. I actually went to North Carolina for a bit but then I decided to move to Atlanta due to the fact that many famous rappers are from there (Ludacris and OutKast for example). So I went down to the ATL and not only ended up getting a nice place down there but a very good job as well. The moment I got there I was immediately hired as a Reset Specialist. I was only there for a month when the owner of the company decided to make me a Supervisor/Crew Leader over a four person crew. Then about a week later it became a two person crew, my girl and I. Since early December we have travelled to over 7 different states that range from Missouri to Arkansas.

Not only are we provided with a company car but we are also put up in some nice suite hotels when we travel due to Corporate Lodging. Actually I'm making this post from the city of Mountain Home in Arkansas. We recently came from the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri and it was awesome! In the past few months I've been to more states than I have in the past 25 years! Not only am I getting management experience but I'm also travelling the world as well!

Also I finally had a chance to upload my newest song entitled Basic Questions. It was the last song I ever recorded in California so check it out and tell me what you think. I'll try to keep you guys updated more often but I've been so busy lately that I haven't had a chance. I promise to make more time for you guys!


Posted by Vinstigator - September 22nd, 2008

Last month I made a news post about my music career. This month I'm here to tell you that I'm taking it one step further and I'm now moving to North Carolina! Over there I'm going to have my own studio, so I'll be able to concentrate on my music more. I'm gonna have my own place as well with my new girl. So life is going to be awesome from here on out. Also I talked to Benny Hoffman yesterday on the phone about me being on his upcoming "Benny The Gent" album, which comes out September 2009. In case you don't know, his last album "Listen To My Demo" sold a few thousand copies and he made a pretty good profit off of royalties alone.

And that's pretty damn good for an underground artist. Especially when you consider that Eminem's Slim Shady EP sold roughly 5,000 copies when he was an underground artist. So I'm really excited to be on his sophomore album. Oh and I forgot to mention that he also lives in North Carolina. In fact, he lives pretty damn close to where I live so collaborating with him in the studio will be a much easier task.

Also my friend and fellow recording artist Heatt will be performing at the 2008 Latin Grammy's at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas on November 13th. I don't know if this is going to be postponed due to hurricane Ike but so far it seems the show is still on schedule. Here is the description they have for this event...

"All of the major industry executives will be in the building to see Heatt perform live. Def Jam, Interscope, Powermoves, and more will be there! This will also be aired on Univision live!"

This is a big opportunity for Heatt and I wish him luck. In case you don't remember, Heatt and I worked on a song together entitled Don't you know I have enemies?. It became a smash hit on the audio portal. It's one of my most bookmarked songs and also the one that has been praised by critics. Basically it's the song that put me on the map in the audio portal. Speaking of audio portal, I will be working with a couple of audio portal artists. Maer808 has been making beats for me lately and they are AWESOME! I told him that once I went mainstream that I would take him with me. He is seriously an underrated artist and needs some exposure.

Well that's basically it for now. My next news post will most likely be in my new house in North Carolina. Everything is packed and I'm now ready to go. I'll probably leave next monday, or maybe even this week. But for the rest of the week I most likely will not have access to a computer since I'm packing that up as well. I just wanna thank everyone for their support and encouragement. Newgrounds has been a great way to promote my music and I look forward to submitting even more songs when they are completed. I have a LOT of songs in the works so expect a lot of good things from me in the near future.


Posted by Vinstigator - August 6th, 2008

Update: Don't You Know I Have Enemies Version 2 has been released to the audio portal. It sounds way better than the original version so check it out!

A lot has been going on lately. Right now the talk of the town seems to be my music. As most of you know I have 2 new tracks in the works. My friend and fellow recording artist Heatt is doing a verse for each song. Also he's having a professional R & B singer from his label sing the hook for me. I'm really excited about these tracks because even though they're not completed, I have girls singing the hooks to these songs all day everyday, no joke.

One girl told me she was in the store and she was just singing it over and over again. So obviously that makes me want to get these songs done as soon as possible. Also Heatt is about to get signed to DMX's record label and he also did a song with The Game recently. He actually sent me the MP3 via e-mail and the track is awesome! He said it's cool for people to download it so click the link below to check it out!

Heatt featuring The Game - Quiet

Also I forgot to mention that he went to a meeting for Bloodline Records and the whole staff was going to be there minus DMX. He calls me up one day and says "Vince, do you have anymore songs to send me?" and I'm like "yeah, why?" and he tells me "because I'm going to a meeting with Bloodline records and I want to show them your demo because I like the way you work". So now we're waiting to see what's going on with that. This guy is trying to help me out so much and I really appreciate it. Without him, I wouldn't be able to bring most of my songs to life.

Also I met this producer named Benny Hoffman over at my job and when he heard my songs, he was blown away. He released an album in 2007 and it sold pretty well. In fact, he actually made a profit off of the album. So I drove to Corona City to have a meeting with him plus visit my girl who was staying in that city. He gave me a copy of his CD and told me to give him constructive criticism about it. I told him that I loved his flow and his hooks were professionally done but he was missing the most important thing, a melody. I told him that a melody makes all the difference in a song. And he was actually surprised and totally agreed with me.

He also said that Dr. Dre thinks that the melody is the most important part of the song, and I never even knew he said that. So anyway he has an album coming out September 2009 and he wants me to help him with it. Of course I gladly accepted. We're actually in talks about me giving him my "On My Mind" song. The reason is, we would both benefit. I have no distribution whatsoever so it could be an awesome song but without distribution, no one will hear it. But if I give it to him I'll get a lot more exposure because of his distribution. And he'll benefit because he'll now have a single for this album. In return he said he would have his producer produce beats for me and that if he ever got signed to a major record label, he would have me signed as well.

This guy is seriously on the verge of going mainstream. He stars in an independent movie that comes out later this year. He plays a hitman in the movie. It's gonna be released wordwide as well. That means you can go to Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, etc. and you'll be able to pick up a copy. For every movie sold he gets a 5 percent royalty cut. So We are planning big things. And it's not a matter of if I get famous, but when.

The positive feedback has been so overwhelming and I thank everyone for their support. Don't worry, I won't forget about Newgrounds. I met a lot of cool people here and a lot of them actually inspired me. To me it's not even about the money. I mean it's nice, but I just do it because I have a love for music. I want to make a change in the music industry and I honestly believe I can do that. I have so many ideas in my head right now, all I have to do is bring them to life. Anyway wish me luck! I'll keep you guys updated.


Posted by Vinstigator - July 12th, 2008

He has become a martyr for us over here at Newgrounds. He will go down in history as the man who got rid of one of the biggest idiots on this site. He knew he was going to die. But he told me he would rather sacrifice himself than put up with Tanooki's shit. His dying words were...

"Even though I will no longer be a part of this cruel world, my legacy shall live on. I will still be with you guys in spirit... watching over each and every one of you. If I could do it all over again, I would. Maybe someday I will be reincarnated... but for now, I shall rest in peace. I love you all... don't you ever forget that"

With that, Wade pushed the delete button and put Sir Alex out of his misery. Today is a sad day indeed. But Alex's death was not in vain! Without his sacrifice, Tanooki-John would still be spamming this site with faggotry and fake basement interviews. I see no reason why the Tanooki movies were deleted, they broke no rules whatsoever. They passed judgment and the file was not swapped nor was the title changed. If it really did break any rules someone would have blown the whislte on them. Also this can't fall into the category of "personal attacks on other flash authors" because he doesn't even make flash! He just spams idiotic and abusive reviews.

I mean look at his whistle status, it's GARBAGE! Also that rule isn't even followed. 90 percent of popular flash artists get attacked all the time! What pisses me off is this guy has contributed NOTHING to this site, and a simple flash that was a parody of him gets deleted. Yes, it was a parody. A parody of his poor quality basement interviews. Compared to other hate flash on this site, ours was very subtle. Nothing negative was said about him. Do you honestly think this video is something to get worked up over?

/* */
Compared to other hate flashes on the site, this is nothing. This can't even be considered a hate movie so I don't even know why it was deleted. Tanooki would have never had to deal with this if he wasn't such an asshole. I warned him many times in the past to shut the fuck up but he didn't listen. Every news post he made was pure idiocy. Also if you guys read the reviews you would have seen that a lot of people actually enjoyed the movies and said stuff like I totally agree, this guy is nothing but a horrible internet troll. Anyway the first one was so well received that a sequel was released...

/* */
It used the same format as the first one except it had a different song and a different interview clip from Tanooki-John. That one actually got a higher score than the first one and almost reached the 3.00 mark. And then the next day my friends Zacied and SnawsBall released an epic movie entitled "The Story of Tanooki". It was one of the most hilarious flashes I've ever seen! If you guys knew the whole story and what he was parodying, you'd laugh your asses off too. It's more of an inside joke than anything, but a lot of people found it funny. Anyway, here's that masterpiece of a movie...

/* */
I actually added this movie to my favorites because it was just pure comedy gold! That movie was also unfairly deleted by Wade as well. And we are confused as to why. It was a PARODY of Tanooki-John's basement interviews, and a very good one at that. I even heard that these flashes "traumatized" him. If that is true, then it is fuckin' hilarious because he is a 31 year old man (supposedly, that's what it says on his youtube account) and for him to get offended at something as simple as this is just ridiculous. Anyway, at least our mission was accomplished. Zacied, SnawsBall, and I did what we set out to do. Hopefully Wade will bring back these movies. But if not, at least they have a permanent home on youtube. You can read all of the reviews here...



Notice most of the people gave it perfect 10's? Just goes to show you what people really think of John. This review pretty much sums it up...

R.I.P. AlexanderTheGr8 2004-2008

Posted by Vinstigator - July 1st, 2008

On this day, July 1st, 2008 it has been exactly 4 years since the release of Part 14. Four years ago, I won my first ever Daily Feature. It really meant a lot to me because I put so much effort into the story and animation. When I look back on that movie, it brings back a lot of memories. Seeing it being featured on the portal again inspires me to finish part 15. I can't believe how far the series has come. I went from not knowing how to make flash and getting 2 movies blammed, to making the front page and winning Daily Features. I never thought it would be possible but all the fans inspired me to continue, and I did. You guys are the reason I'm still making movies! If I didn't get so much positive feedback in the reviews then I would have most likely stopped animating years ago. Anyway, here's a screenshot of it on the portal!

Also I wanna thank Tom for the support over the years and for putting most of my Chrono Trigger movies in the CT: Collection. When I saw my movies there I was ecstatic! Also I'll never forget the day he put my CT: Fall of Guardia movie on the front page. It is a moment I will never forget. Even to this day, I still cherish that moment. In return I had told the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto about Newgrounds, because I appreciated all the support I got. When I showed Tom the video he said it was one of his most favorite videos of all time and that he was envious that I met Miyamoto! That coming from Tom was pretty damn cool. I told him that I wanted to give back to the NG community any way I could, so I did.

Now as far as FFVI: The Day After - Part 15 goes, it's coming along really well. My co-author (KNanakase) sent me a preview of the scene he's animating and it is simply AMAZING! I believe this movie has the potential to be one of the greatest sprite movies to ever grace Newgrounds. And since it's the finale, I want it to go out with a bang! The final battle scene will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish! There are gonna be so many twists and turns in the story as well so all I can say is: expect the unexpected. So be patient... you won't have to wait much longer. I know it's been a long 4 year wait but in the end you will say it was well worth it. Here's a screenshot from the final battle. It's when Kefka is summoning his ultimate weapon!

My movie is featured on "The Best - Years Past" section of Newgrounds! Also, FFVI: The Day After - part 15 update!