You fought well and you shall be sorely missed. :(
Rest well.
Your sacrifice will not in vain.
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).
Age 42, Male
Recording Artist
West Covina, CA
Joined on 11/12/03
You fought well and you shall be sorely missed. :(
Rest well.
Your sacrifice will not in vain.
Thank you for the kind words lol1337a. Your review brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy and happiness :')
You fought well and you shall be sorely missed. :(
Rest well.
Your sacrifice will not BE in vain. (Sorry. Hangover :P )
Hehe no problem, I know what a hangover feels like. And indeed Sir Alex's sacrifice was not in vain. He will be missed dearly. But he will always be with us in spirit... I can feel his presence. Once again thanks for the comments lol1337a! You are welcome here anytime. Your posts always seem to bring a smile to my face :)
Tanooki john actually deleted his news posts. I guess he realized they make him look like an idiot.
More so than he does already.
Whoa Mightydein, long time no see! In case you guys don't know, he did the voices for my "Vince Trigger" series. Anyway not only did Tanooki-John delete his news post but he actually deleted his picture and icons as well! In fact I believe he has completely left Newgrounds because of our movies. Talk about ownage lol
I find kids like tanooki john to be a dime a dozen. He's annoying but harmless but it's a sad that he can so easily be scared off.
If he's half the man he says he is than he'll stick around and ignore us or better yet dish it out twice as hard right back.
Tanooki john is nothing more than a newgrounds common house fly.
We won't notice if he's there nor would we miss him when he's gone.
Thanks for replying to my post a little while ago.
Yeah this guy reminds me of Shin2k27. All talk and no balls. Tanooki acted like he was the shit but when we put him in his place he tucked his head between his legs and ran back to never never land ranch in search of some lolicon. And it's funny because he's a Shin fanboy. I guess the faggotry rubbed off on him, eh?
I'm really pissed off that he got the Alexander account deleted along with a movie that had over 600,000 views and 110 bookmarks. He is going to pay for that, and it's not going to be pretty. Thanks for the comment Mightydein. And thanks for the awesome voice acting in my Vince Trigger series!
Jesus Christ...................... it's amazing how much hate can spawn over the internet through posts and videos and the like............... but at least your hatred towards him is somewhat backed, I mean it's hentai-and-parody-loving kids like him who are ruining Newgrounds. The personal attacks seem a bit much, but hey, do what you want.
Yes people like him are ruining Newgrounds. And you're right, we had very good reasons to attack him. But compared to other hate movies like "A Legendary Final Fantasy" our attacks were child's play.
i doubt he was a troll, if he was he spent way too much effort into it (same with oney-sephiroth, who gets called a troll as well)
topdog i could understand though, im absolutely serious in saying he's one of the stupidest people i've ever known, either on the internet or IRL.
I honestly thought Tanooki was a troll at first but then I saw that he had an SA page, a youtube account, and a deviantart account and he was active on all of them. So you're right, he isn't a troll. Topdog on the other hand...
Wade deletes people pretty much whenever he feels like it so you don't need to break rules now to get deleted
Unfortunately he does delete people for no reason :(
Tanooki-John isn't the first big faggot I met, there were others like Insho (who is now deleted), MCEGG (Don't know what that stands for, so don't ask), rtb427 and his gay friend naruto102, and a few others.
I've ran into some idiots in the past as well. Fortunately, I ended up getting rid of them before they could spread anymore faggory.
Lol, proxy?
I wish :(
Joined: March 15, 2008
Last Sign In: 8 hours ago
Videos Watched: 443
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Channel Views: 143
Age: 31
Im a proud fan of good quality <u>glash</u> and I dislike lazy flash and most youtube poop.
I laugh at many things on his profile. One is the glash comment and the other is his age. There is no way this guy is 31...
Yo What's Up My Nigguh!!!! Hows It Hanging Yo You Check
Out My Shit On My Ng Page N***a!!!!
Crazy Shit Dude Be Shure To Check Out My Man :<a href=""></a>
here My Movie Of Who Topdog2007 And Steve4J Really Are And What There Known For!!!!
:<a href=""> /449790</a>
I saw that one about Topdog, it was pretty funny. I'll be sure to check out your page :D
Could someone please explain, who,what,where and how?
All I have to say is...
"Thank you and goodnight!"