For better or worse, good luck! And try to have fun on the way, ya?
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).
Age 42, Male
Recording Artist
West Covina, CA
Joined on 11/12/03
For better or worse, good luck! And try to have fun on the way, ya?
I will definitely have fun on the way. Thanks!
Alright! Nice to hear you're living out your dream. :) Not many people can say they get to go out and cease their destiny like you're doing. I wish you well on your new life down there in North Carolina.
Well when you pop into Newgrounds rest assured you'll always have friends here waiting. :3
Thank you lol1337a! You and a few others have been real supportive of my music career and it has inspired me to continue! And don't worry, I won't forget about you guys no matter how famous I become :)
I've lived on the east coast forever and I say it sucks. Actually just anything between DC and New York and everything between N.C. and Florida.
Congrats yo and sell those records. Hope you get consumed by the life and all you care about is money.
Well I'm not really in this for money, but for passion. I mean I'm not gonna lie, the money's good. But even if I wasn't making any money off of my music I would still continue to make it. Anyway thanks for the comment Thomas!
Well dude, I wish you luck! You gave a big steep.
Also, please remember me when you get famous and if you ever launch a CD I will buy it :)
Wish you luck and have a nice time in North Carolina :)
I won't forget you, trust me. And thanks for saying you'll buy the CD! Tell your friends to buy it as well to help support The Vinstigator :D
i live in NC.
That's cool man. I've noticed quit of few Newgrounders live in NC... myself included!
Nah forget passion, do it for the money. IF 50 cent can have his own video game then why can't you. I mean who wouldn't want a video game made after them that involves a homeless guy who dies, but didn't die, but is really an FBI agent and you end up doing his daughter, and have Slim Shady as a dirty cop, and Tony Yayo running around telling you to steal peoples wallets......
Shut up.......... someone else in this world could have beaten that game.
That would be pretty damn cool if they made a "Vinstigator: Bulletproof" type of game. And you're right about the money. But like I said, even if I wasn't making any money I'll still be making music. Just like how I'll keep making flash animations long after I'm famous. But don't worry, I'll be making some good money off of this music ;)
Don't even make the music. Steal, all the greats do it.
You know honestly, I keep trying to joke around and say things like "sell out" but like an ahole you keep responding with something a serious person who is completely focused on his goals would say.... Eh good job man, proud of ya. But I am messin with ya with the whole sell out thing, but if you get that oppurtunity, DO IT!!!!!!!!!
Are you talking about sampling? I have no problem with sampling, especially if you can improve on the song. But singing the same exact song without changing the lyrics... I just find that pointless. The only song that I actually approved of doing that was "Killing Me Softly" by The Fugees.
But everyone else who has remade an old song without changing the lyrics... I think it's just pointless and a quick way to cash in. But anyway I'm working on a new song entitled "Basic Questions". It's coming out pretty damn good and I'm almost finished with it. I'll let you know when I release it to the audio portal!
My boy Vince bin real busy!! Damn i cant wait to hear the new material from you. Toomany wack ass mumbling rappers sucking all the dick they can to reach front page! LOOOOL!
Well if it isn't my boy Big Bad Lejin! What's up man? Yeah I got a lot of tracks in the works and they're all hot! In fact, some of them can even rival some of the shit on the radio. I've been really busy in the studio as of late and so far everything's going good! Also, can't wait to hear what you got in store for us! Keep making those hits Lej!
Oh so this is what you have been up to lately, finally moved on from flash movies? I haven't heard any of your songs yet, I'm gonna try and listen to one, I'll leave ya a review.
I'm going to continue making flash movies. In fact, I have one in the works right now. I'll let you know when I post it!
No sir the real music/Rap business is here in California...Hence the great Tupac "California love". Yeah come back man we miss ya! I saw pic's of greensboro and It looks sad man. come back to sunny cali. YOu are west covina material. hence you WEST CO songs. Vince belongs here in Cali.
Actually some of the most popular rappers are from the south like Ludacris and Nelly for example. Also I got a travelling job and it is awesome! I'm making 500 a week and they pay for your hotel when you travel. Right now I'm posting this from a suite hotel in Atlanta. There's an indoor pool and everything! So right now I'm living the life. Anyway it's check out time and I got to get back to work ;)
yo man hit me up when you CUM back. I need to tell you something call me. come back asap!
im coming to greensboro and kicking your ass.
I seriously laughed out loud at this comment lol
My negro! sorry it took so long to respond. Didn't get to catch out the preview can you email me it again. Looking forward to it friend, maybe I should a finally what do you think buddy?
Just sent it to ya ;)
Errr sorry I wrote that fast lol Merry Xmas I meant maybe I should do a finale too what do you think buddy? =P Also looking pimp mang, I do a lot of films now well more when I was in college. Here's a short one. But yeah man If you ever get that started I would love for you to write me a score I could use for my movies. ;P
<a href=""> lyoyQ&feature=channel_page</a>
Hell yeah you should do a finale, that would rock! Nice movie by the way. I'd definitely be honored to do a little something for the soundtrack.
Does this mean you wont make FF 15?
Where will you be living at? I live in North Carolina myself :]
I'm moving to the city of Greensboro