This was a decent battle up until the forfeit. Since Vox gave up, my vote goes to Gasmasq.
This was a decent battle up until the forfeit. Since Vox gave up, my vote goes to Gasmasq.
I just listened to a couple of Nimbus's songs just to see how he would do against Strackdubs and I gotta say, he would have most likely won if he had replied with some verses. Stackdubs had a decent flow but there were times when I felt he was trying to rush his lyrics to match the beat.
My vote goest to SteveGuzzi
Wasim didn't even sound like he was rapping, it sounded like he was just talking. And the fact that he didn't even respond with another 8 bars kinda showed that he didn't care. There were times that his voice was so low that I couldn't even understand what he was saying. As far as Guzzi, he won this battle hands down. Even if Wasim had responded with another 8 bars, he had no chance. Plus The Guzz was more on point with his flow.
I've just listened to a couple of Vashelite's songs just to hear his flow and style. I gotta admit, he's got a pretty good flow. Had he submitted a verse I think he would have had a very good chance of advancing to the next round. Anyway as far as Exceptid's verse, it was pretty good. He's got decent lyrics and a good flow. I believe it would have been anyone's battle.
Decent battle...
Both of these guys did a good job. But in the end I felt GasMasq won this one. Broken-Needle was a little off beat on some parts of the song but he had some decent lyrics to make up for it. Gasmasq on the other hand, was on point all the time. Plus he had a little more emphasis in his delivery. Anyway, good job to both of you.
This wasn't even a fair battle. I couldn't even understand what the hell kidChris was saying! That has to be the most horrible mic quality I've ever heard on Newgrounds. You can get a decent mic for 50 bucks at your local retailer store so Chris, I suggest you start saving up if you want to be taken seriously.
The part about Chris rapping in a fish tank made me lol. Anyway my vote obviously goes to Gloine.
Close battle
This was definitely a close battle.
Icon: I felt his first verse was a little off beat. But when it came to the 2nd, it was a lot better. Even the audio quality was a lot better. So I'm not sure what he did to give it more clarity, but he should do it more often.
RedMongoose: I felt his flow was a little robotic when he started rapping. But as I started listening to it, it started to become hypnotizing. I guess my only complaint is Red's mic quality was pretty low.
It was a close battle but in the end, I choose Icon as the winner. Good job to both of you though!
Vox's mic quality was horrible, but he had decent flow. Had his mic quality been a little better, I'm sure he would have gotten more votes. As far as RednWhite, there were times he was on point but at other times I felt he was a little off beat. So in the end I choose RednWhite as the winner of this battle.
I waited over 50 hours for this verse?
That line actually made me laugh a little. Anyway R-Avenger clearly won this battle. Number one, he was more on point with his lyrics and flow. I felt Denver wasn't really flowing with the beat. Plus his mic quality isn't as good as Avenger's. And plus like everyone said, he went over the 16 bar limit.
Like some people have said below, Wyze came off a little weak when he started his flow but when it came to his 2nd verse, he picked up the pace. Murda had more of an aggressive flow but some of his lyrics were hard to understand while I could understand everything Wyze was saying. So this is a close battle but in the end I give it to Murdaa. Good job to both of you though.
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).
Age 42, Male
Recording Artist
West Covina, CA
Joined on 11/12/03