I don't like the look of it...
That beat was catchy as hell. Yo man you need to send me that track me and you are supposed to do (Sick of It). I got the instrumental but I need your verse so I can lace my part in the studio.
I don't like the look of it...
That beat was catchy as hell. Yo man you need to send me that track me and you are supposed to do (Sick of It). I got the instrumental but I need your verse so I can lace my part in the studio.
I gotz you Vince.
- Mr. Big Bad Lejin (Hip Hop NG's#1 Artist)
- Real-Over-Fake -(Approved)
I'm really liking this beat. When the guitar comes in it just brings it to a whole nother level.
I'm glad you like it. Gotta have that explosion of epicness :D
Good shit
I'm loving those claps in the background. Keep the beats coming!
Thank you :D and will do :D
This would be a great storytelling track. I love beats like this. Very laid back...
Much appreciation :D I'm glad you liked this one. it's one of my favs
They saved the best for last...
This battle was fuckin' AWESOME! I really wish all of the battles were like this. Anyway both of these emcees brought fire. But to me I felt Gloine had a little more sting in his lyrics. Especially with the line "Talking that I nearly lost, of course son I battled the real Emcees while you took on the short bus". Loved how Gloined flipped it around in the final verse, tha was some 8 Mile shit. Anyway both of these guys did good but in the end, I'm gonna have to vote for Gloine.
Close battle...
Definitely one of the closest battles I've ever had to judge. Both were on point with their flow and each of them had some pretty good lyrics. It seemed like Gloine's mic quality wasn't as good as GasMasq'a but he still ended up killing his verses. This one is just too damn close to call. But if I had to choose a winner, it would have to be Gloine. But it was still a really close battle. Good job to both of you!
I'm lovin' that guitar at the beginning. Good shit man, keep making those hits! I'm loving your style man.
One of the best battles so far...
Now THIS was a battle! I felt this was the first time the competitors were evenly matched. Both Steve and Murdaa had awesome flows throughout the who song. I'm not sure who should win... it's just too close to call. This is the first time I've ever judged a battle as a draw. Good job to both of you!
It seems like Stackdubs was talking over the track at times, He had no sting in his lyrics. Exceptid on the other hand, he came to battle. The emotion, the delivery, the lyrics... it just all came together perfectly.
I believe the icon won this match,. His vocals had more clarity and his rhymes were just all around better than Gloine's. I liked Gloine's battle with KidChris but I just felt Icon took this one. Good job to both of you though.
I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).
Age 42, Male
Recording Artist
West Covina, CA
Joined on 11/12/03