I'm in the new Adam Sandler movie entitled "Sandy Wexler". I play a Prison Guard and a trainer. I've also worked with John Witherspoon (Ice Cube's dad from Friday) and Slink Johnson (voice of Lamar from Grand Theft Auto 5 and the star of Black Jesus).

Vince Chavez @Vinstigator

Age 42, Male

Recording Artist


West Covina, CA

Joined on 11/12/03

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FFVI: The Day After Part 15 is back in production!

Posted by Vinstigator - June 9th, 2008

As you all know, it has been 4 years since the release of Part 14. The reason it has taken this long for the 15th episode to come out is because I wanted the final battle scene to be top notch. And action sequences aren't my strongest point. So an animator named T-Dash offered to help me out. He had some good ideas and even FINISHED his scene. But he wasn't satisfied with the way it came out so he started over from scratch. Everything was going good until his computer crashed. When he finally got everything back and running he decided to start working on the scene again.

Well I never heard from him again after that so I decided to look for a new co-author. I approached Dany Laporte because I was very impressed with his sprite work. He gladly agreed and was actually happy to be a part of this series since he loved it. We talked about the scene and everything seemed to be going good but then he went M.I.A. I do hope he comes back soon as he is definitely one of the best spriters on the site. So then I typed "SwishMax" into the Newgrounds search bar and happened to come across a user by the name of KNanakase.

I watched some of his animations and I was very impressed by his action sequences. To top it off I found out he made all of his flashes using SwishMax! In case you guys don't know, I use SwishMax to animate all of my movies so collaborating with this person would be easier than collaborating with someone who used flash since all he has to do is send me his swi file. While with flash I would have to import the SWF as a scene and add all the sound effects. Also sometimes the scenes wouldn't come out right (since they were made with a different program). Check out the battle scenes he animated in this movie so you know what to expect...


So I gave him all the details and asked him if he wanted to be a part of this project. At first he told me animating a scene for this extremely popular series seems so intimidating to me. I mean, what if it isn't good enough for all those fans?. I then told him not to be nervous and to have fun with it. I also told him that my fans would be grateful because they would finally get to see the finale of my series thanks to him! So everyone who has been patiently waiting for part 15 thank KNanakase. Without him, you would have probably had to wait another 4 years :)

Also I told him to look at my previous battle scenes. They were decent, but not mind-blowing. And I told him any battle he puts out would be better than the one I would make. So after that, he agreed. And now we are in the process of putting the scene together. While he's animating the battle scene I'll be working on the rest of the scenes. I honestly believe part 15 will be the best in the series. Not because it's my latest episode but because of all the detail we are putting into this one. It's going to be the episode with the best battle, best music, and best story. I am really putting my heart and soul into this movie. To me this series is something special, and I will never forget all the good times I had making it. I loved each and every positive review I received from the fans! It's actually what inspired me to continue the series. Without you guys, there would be no "Day After" series. So I thank you guys for that!

If I didn't care about quality or about the fans then I would have just half-assed this movie and released it a long time ago. But no, I postponed the project to find one of the best battle animators on the site. Also I think it's good that I postponed it for this long because my animation has greatly improved since part 14. I want this to be the episode that fans talk about for years to come! I want people to say "it was worth the wait... and an awesome ending to the series". I have a lot of great ideas and am bringing them to life as we speak. The only problem I'm worried about is reaching the frame limit (yes it is going to be that long) but I'll see what I can do. In the meantime, check out this screenshot of the main menu. Keep an eye out for the final episode of FFVI: The Day After! It's going to be here sooner than you think.

FFVI: The Day After Part 15 is back in production!


Maybe we can release the same day :D lol nah i'd rather not compete with that ;)

But then again the fans would get two awesome movies in one day :)

Glad to hear your back. Newgrounds has kind of been on auto-pilot for a while, getting plenty of decent work, but the stuff that's FFVI Day After quality has been harder and harder to find, really since about the time part 14 was released. Hopefully we'll see some more great work out of you and lots of other old artists who take this as inspiration.

Yeah NG hasn't had anything mind-blowing in terms of story lately. I honestly think Part 15 will have the best story of any flash movie on this site. Thanks for the comment!

Glad to hear the series isn't dead, which I was worried for, Vince. I'm sure Episode 15 will no doubt be brilliant with an animator like T-Dash. Best of luck to you. ^_^

Thanks Ian, it's a surprise to see you here. Long time no see! Anyway KNanaKase will be animating the final battle. T-Dash was originally supposed to do it but I haven't heard from him in a long time.

Vinstigator? More like WINstigator!

Heh, I like the sound of that. That was pretty clever :)

Heheh. I remember this series, but I didn't realize it's been four whole years since the last time something was released. Maybe you'll remember my screen-name, then again, you probably won't, but I can't wait for this release. Best of luck, and I'll be watching for it. All my 5's.

Holy crap, the best series on the site and where have I been? I got your message like a year ago, but shamefully I never actually logged into my account anymore to watch anything here. Well this is just fantastic news, but I haven't watched the videos in literally years. But it's not going to be painful to watch them all over again, seriously man welcome back.